Tel: 0161 850 2851

Abbeycliffe Care Home

Philosophy of Care

Our philosophy is to provide a stimulating, safe and caring environment that will meet the individual, physical and emotional needs of our residents. We encourage the developments of self-help and any potential for independent life style. Ultimately we enable our residents to receive long-term care, affording them an independent and satisfying lifestyle within our home. Our approach to care is based on respect for the resident as an individual and their need to be acknowledged as such.

Our aim is to continue the same emphasis on the quality of care that we have achieved over the past 30 years. 

At Abbeycliffe, we realise that providing quality care is much more than simply providing high standards in accommodation, food and delivering individual attention i.e. physical needs, but to ensure that we provide an environment that enables residents to safeguard their individual rights, privacy, dignity, independence, choice and fulfillment. Quality care at Abbeycliffe means caring for all the needs whether physical, social, emotional or psychological of all residents.

Our residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their personal care plans in which the involvement of family and friends may be appropriate and is greatly valued. This will be achieved through programs of activities designed to encourage mental alertness, self-esteem, social interaction with other residents and with recognition of the core values of care, which are fundamental to the philosophy of our home.

Our key considerations are to optimise the quality of life, with freedom of choice and flexibility foremost in our aims to enhance the latter years.